- what is the full form of www?
- world wide web
- world wide writer
- website wind writer
- world wide web
- what is the full form of isp ?
- indian service provider
- internet service provider
- internet server in physical
- internet service programmer
- which one is web browser ?
- adobe reader
- tally
- google chrome
- photoshop
- what is full form of http?
- high tension transfer protocol
- high text transfer protocol
- hyper text transducer program
- hyper text transfer protocol
- which browser has around 22% of the market share at present
- internet explorer
- google chrome
- mozilla firefox
- netscape navigator
- which one is serach engine ?
- adobe reader
- photoshop
- ms office
- what is oprsting order for search engine ?
- web crawling -indexing -searching
- indexing -searching -searching
- seraching -web crawling -indexing
- indexing -web crawling - searching
- what is e-mail?
- erasable mail
- easy mail
- electronic mail
- easily message
- what is the full form of bcc in email?
- block carbon copy
- bit carbon copy
- brown carbon copy
- blind carbon copy
- which option used for, to send an email?
- compose
- subject
- body
- from
- what is the full form of cpi in cloud computing ?
- count provider interface
- cloud process interface
- cloud provider intarface
- cloud pointing interface
- when the indian parliament passed the it act ?
- private cloud
- public cloud
- cloud client
- hybrid cloud
- what is called protecting data form online attacks,deletions and malwares?
- 1990
- 1992
- 2000
- 2005
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