Module 3 : Data communication, IP addressing TCP/IP, Network Protocols
- What is the full form of modem?
- External modem
- Molding and
Demoulding - Modulation and Demodulation
- Internal modem
- Which process converts analog signal to
digital signal?- Modulation
- De-modulation
- Quanting
- Sampling
- Hub works on which layer of OSI model?
- Physical layer
- Data link layer
- Network layer
- Transport layer
- Which of the following hub does not require
power source?- Active hub
- Passive hub
- Intelligent hub
- Moderate hub
- What is the full form of RIP?
- Routing Information
Protocols - Routing interchange
part - Routing interface
protocols - Routing intermediate
- Routing Information
- What is the use of modem?
- To increase the
efficiency of PC - Connecting to
internet - To get print in hard
copy - To scan document
- To increase the
- Repeater works on which layer of OSI
model?- Layer 1
- Layer 2
- Layer 3
- Layer 4
- Which of the following network device
amplify the input signal?- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Printer
- Repeater
- Which of the following is a network
component?- Keyboard
- Gateway
- Joy-stick
- Display unit
- Mostly switch works on which layer of OSI
model?- Layer 1
- Layer 2
- Layer 3
- Layer 4
- How many types of network switches are
there?- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- What is the name of device which is used to
connect a different type of network LAN?- Printer
- Scanner
- Router
- What is the name of device which is used to
connect a different type of network LAN?- Printer
- Scanner
- Router
- Which of the following is not a networking
device?- Keyboard
- Router
- Firewall
- Switch
- What is transreciever called an electric
network?- Medium access
control - Hard-disk
- Media access unit
- Network interface
- Medium access
- What is the equipment used to allow home
computer to connect to the internet?- Monitor
- Internet
- Modem
- In OSI network architecture,the routing is
performed by?- Data link layer
- Network layer
- Session layer
- Transport layer
- What is the application of access point?
- Defragmentation
- Remove virus
- Transmit and
Receive of data - Update OS
- What is the another name of dynamic
routing?- Random access
memory - Secondary memory
- Adaptive routing
- Cloud computing
- Random access
- Which is used to select best path to transfer
data?- Modulation
- Routing
- Paging
- Defragmentation
- What is the another name of static routing?
- Non-adaptive routing
- Basic-input output
system - Power on self test
- Upgrade
- What is the full form of IPV4?
- Internet Process
Versus 4 - Internet Protective
Version 4 - Internet Protocol
Version 4 - Internet Play version
- Internet Process
- What is the full form of IGRP?
- Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol - Internet Gate
Routing Protocol - Interface Google
refresh protocol - International
Gateway Routing
- Interior Gateway
- How many bits are there in IPV4?
- 16 bits
- 32 bits
- 64 bits
- 128 bits
- How many bits are there in IPV6?
- 16 bits
- 32 bits
- 64 bits
- 128 bits
- Which of the following IP address class is
multicast?- Class A
- Class B
- Class C
- Class D
- What is the size of host bit in Class B?
- 8
- 16
- 24
- 32
- What is the highest network in class A of IP
address?- 125
- 126
- 127
- 128
- What is the full form of TCP/IP?
- Telnet Control
Protocol / Internet
protocol - Transfer Control
Protocol / Interface
Protocol - Telephone Central
Protocol / Internet
Protocol - Transmission
Control Protocol /
Internet Protocol
- Telnet Control
- How many layer are there in TCP/IP?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- How many types of Internet Protocol version
exists?- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Which of the following layer is not present in
the TCP/IP model?- Transport layer
- Application layer
- Network layer
- USB Layer
- Which country TCP/IP was developed?
- America
- India
- China
- Japan
- What is the name of layer-4 in TCP/Ip
model?- Internet layer
- Host-to-Host-layer
- Network layer
- Application layer
- What is the full form of FTP?
- First Transport
Protocol - File Transport
Protocol - File Transfer Protocol
- Find Transfer
- First Transport
- What is the name of server which uses FTP
protocol for data transfer?- File server
- TCP/IP model
- OSI model
- Transfer server
- Which of the following is a standard
protocol?- JAVA
- MS-Office
- What is the port No. of HTTP?
- Port-80
- Port-81
- Port-82
- Port-83
- Which protocol is used to send mail
messages?- FTP
- What is the full form of SMTP?
- Simple Message
Transfer Protocol - Simple Mail
Protocol - Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol - Simple Message
- Simple Message
- What is the full form of DHCP?
- Data Host
Protocol - Dynamic Host
Protocol - Datagram Host
Protocol - Disk Host
- Data Host
- How does DHCP works?
- Form-Factor
- Defragmentation
- Dynamic
- Client-server
- Which protocols is used to receive mails?
- Client
- POP3
- What is the name of computer which is
connected to the internet cable?- Client
- computer Protocol
- Hyperlink
- Uniform Resource
- Which one is a open protocol used to store
and retrieve information from a active
directory?- HTTP
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