- what is the full form of post ?
- post on self test
- physical self test
- power-on self test
- power-on save text
- which one is failure ,if we got 5 beeps in code method ?
- ram
- cpu
- video card
- cmos battery
- which one is failure , if we got 3 beeps in beep code ?
- dram
- cmos
- keybord
- mother bord
- what is the beep code for, computer is ok ?
- 1 short beep
- no beeps
- 5 short beep
- continuous beep
- which one is failure,if beeps repeting endlessly in beep code ?
- ram
- cmos
- vodeo card
- cpu
- what is the beep coad for bad processor ?
- 3 beeps
- 7 beeps
- 6 beeps
- 1 beeps
- what is the usage of post error code ?
- to determine the reciver
- to determine the sendar
- to determine the supplier
- to determine the failing hardware
- which device is used for you can test keybord cable continuity ?
- wattmeter
- voltmeter
- digital multi meter
- ammeter
- which is called a supervisor of computer activity ?
- memory
- operating system
- i/o device
- control unit
- what should be the first step while os upgreding ?
- deleted old os
- back up old os
- backup critical data
- format harddisk
- what is the full form of ntfs ?
- new type file system
- new technology file system
- non technology file system
- never technology file system
- which one is called the primary job of the operating system ?
- manage resources
- manage commands
- manage users
- manage programs
- which is the windows version support 64 bit processor ?
- windows 98
- wondows 2000
- windows xp
- windows 95
- which disk consist of a circular disk and coated with thin metal ?
- magnetic
- compact
- optical
- hard
- what is the full form of worm ?
- write only, read memory
- write once rad manytimes
- write only once read multiple
- read only
- which isf the example of floopy disk ?
- primary storage
- secoundary storage
- tertiry storage
- bootable storage
- which one is built with tertiary storage ?
- a lot of memory
- unremoveble media
- removeble media
- secondary storage
- what is the full form of scsi in drive ?
- similar computer system interface
- samll computer system interconnector
- similar convertor system interface
- small computer system interface
- which one is example of zip drive ?
- an output device
- an input device
- removeble disk storage
- a software
- which tool organizing file on a disk ?
- disk
- folder
- cluster
- record
- what is the name for,process of mapping a magnetic disk surface ?
- polarizing
- charging
- formating
- accessing
- what is the measuring unit for,access time in storage device ?
- milli seconds
- nano seconds
- micro seconds
- pico seconds
- which disk has a smallest storage capacity ?
- zipdisk
- hard disk
- floppy disk
- compect disk
- what is the full form of dat drive ?
- dual audio tape
- digital automatic tape
- dual automatic tape
- digital audio ta
- which coating is used for a generally plastic ribbon in magnetic tape ?
- magnesium oxide
- chromium dioxide
- zinc oxide
- copper oxide
- which recording formate usedby dat drive ?
- parallel data storage
- serial data storage
- digital data storage
- scanned data storage
- what is the full from of ssd drive ?
- single state drive
- solid signal drive
- singale singal drive
- solid state drive
- which drive combine the above two technologies into one drive ?
- hybride hard disk drive
- hard disk drive
- ssd
- scsi
- what is kind cd-rom ?
- optical disk
- magnetic disk
- megnetic optical disk
- opto mechanic disk
- which is the cheapest memory device in terms of costs/bit ?
- semi conductor memory
- magnetic disk
- compact disk
- magnetic taps
- which is also called auxiliary storage ?
- secondary storage
- tertiary memory
- primary memory
- cache memory
- what is the full from of cd-rom ?
- critical disk-read only memory
- compact disk-rendom only memory
- critical disk-radius only memory
- comact disk-read only memory
- what type of dives is cd-rom ?
- input request
- storage
- output
- softwer
- what is the full from of mod drive ?
- main object drive
- magneto orianted drive
- megneto optical drive
- main orianted drive
- what is megneto optic disk ?
- primary storage
- removeble disk
- secoundary storage
- input device
- what is the frist action to be taken in case of an elecric shock ?
- call to doctor
- take support to other
- direct pullout
- switch of the electric power
- which device is used to chek power ?
- lan tester
- crimping tool
- neon tester
- screw dri
- which one is main protection of electrical ?
- circuit
- battery
- cell
- fuse
- how do you protect cpu hardware from internal fault ?
- paper bag
- plastic bag
- esd bag
- leather bag
- what is stands for esd ?
- electro static disconnect
- electro static discharge
- elecro stat discharge
- electro state disconnect
- what is cause for shock from computer cpu body ?
- earthing problem
- low voltage
- high voltage
- fuse problem
- what is light pen ?
- mechanical input device
- optical output device
- optical input device
- chemical input device
- what device conveters analog to digital input ?
- digitizer
- gis
- binary code
- accumulator
- whch one meaning for,the process of making digital information work ?
- digitization
- digital trasformation
- digitization
- analogization
- which one is a part of a digitizer ?
- stick
- stylus
- light pen
- trackball
- which is cinsists of digitizing tablet and a stylus ?
- keypad
- trackball
- lightpen
- digitizer
- which one is called digital signals ?
- 0,10
- 1,2
- 0,1
- 1,2
- which tool is used to active pratition as primary in hard disk ?
- active
- fdisk
- format
- folder
- how do you remove stucked cd within drive ?
- manual eject hole
- tray eject bottom
- head phone jack
- head phone volume
- which do you identify the hard ware problem is computer ?
- security
- user and accounts
- device manger
- diskmanger
- what is master jumpering in hard disk drivers ?
- secoundry disk
- primary disk
- last disk
- no disk
- what is drive a refer ?
- floppy disk drive
- cd-drive
- hard disk drive
- usb drive
- what is hardware upgrade ?
- bag fix for programm
- windows rainstallation
- increase performance and run faster
- windows update
- what is software update ?
- installation of program
- bag fix for programm
- uninstallation of programm
- hardware update
- which is most common key to enter bios ?
- del or f2
- f3+shift
- f4 +alt
- f6+cntrl
- what is the cause for the error cmos checksum error ?
- os problem
- bios curruptted
- cimos chip failure
- battery failure
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