- which command used displays current terminal ?
- $ whoami
- $ tty
- $ id
- $ id root
- which command used reveals the current logged in user?
- $ tty
- $ id
- $ id root
- $ whoami
- which command used displays calender of current month ?
- $ cal
- $ data
- $ id
- $ date + % t
- which command report the full path to the current directory ?
- cd [option] [directary]
- cd / usr /sbin
- pwd [option]
- cd/
- which linux command list the cotent of all sub directory ?
- is ~
- is* /
- is /
- is../
- what is use of 'who' command in linux ?
- login user
- logout user
- login password
- lodout password
- write the linux command to remove all the permission to the user and group on the directory 'software'…….
- chmod ug - rwx software
- chmod ug - a software
- chmod ug - a software
- chmod ug - rwx software
- what is the only editor available in virtually every unix installation ?
- pine editor
- vi editor
- joe editor
- cd editor
- who is developed the vi editor ?
- bill gates
- charles babage
- bill joy
- simon franklin
- which is searching syntax ?
- : s/string
- : r filename
- vi
- vi apple.txt
- which editor display oriented text editor based on the pine message composer ?
- jeo
- cd
- vi
- pico
- which command is used to copy files and directories ?
- cp
- cd
- cc
- copy
- which command is used to rename files and directories ?
- rn
- mv
- cp
- rn-dir
- which command is used to delete files and directories on linux and unix ?
- del
- mv
- cp
- rm
- what is the character begins with the first line in any shell script ?
- &
- !
- $
- #
- what we should make it run the shell script first by using ?
- chmod + x
- chamod + r
- chmod + w
- chmod +rwx
- what is scripting ?
- file editor
- to execute bunch of command
- image.editor
- vi editor
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