- which card support to convert digital data in to analog formet ?
- if card
- amplifier card
- rectifier card
- sound card
- which link can carry up to 16 channels of informition ?
- double midi
- singal midi
- video interface
- if
- what is full form of midi in sound card ?
- musical instrument digital interface
- multi intrument digital interface
- musical instrument double interface
- multi instrument digital interchange
- what we called vibration that compress of air or other substances ?
- picture
- video
- light
- sound
- what is the sound frequency range ?
- 2khz to 200 khz
- 5khz to 50khz
- 20hz to 20khz
- 2khz to 12khz
- what is name of convert analog sound to digital bits ?
- dac
- adc
- vga
- cga
- what is usage of driver softwer ?
- to make softwer working
- power cosomption
- speed increace of devices
- to make the devices is working
- what is measuring unit of sound?
- dacibal
- ohms
- farad
- frtquency
- which tool used to identify the specification on the installed sound card?
- playback
- device manager
- directx diagnosic
- communication
- what is the example of transducer?
- micro phone
- head phone
- loud speaker
- printer
- which colour used for microphone symbol in audio system?
- green
- pink
- orange
- black
- what is the full form of snr in sound qulity?
- symbol-to- noise ratio
- source-to- noise ratio
- signal-to-noise ratio
- sound-to-sound ratio
- which frequency is support for tweeter speke
- low frequency
- mid--range frequency
- very low frequency
- high frequency
- which devise convert eletrical energy to sound energy
- speker
- mic
- printer
- scanner
- which take to choose , to control sound volume ?
- start -accerssories-properties
- start - control penal- hardwere and sound
- start - all program - properties
- start - ms office - notepad
- which is the reladted to the noise in sound system ?
- distortion
- frequency
- hertz
- watts
- what is the acceptable level of distortion ?
- <10%
- >10%
- <5%
- <0.1%
- which one is the componet of sound card ?
- video card
- dac
- graphic card
- ligth pan
- which is the highest quality sampleing bit in sound cards ?
- 8-bit
- 4-bit
- 32-bit
- 16-bit
- which one is the protabale device ?
- desktop computer
- printer
- ploteer
- laptop
- which device takes 10-30 watts power consumption ?
- monochrome moniter
- desktop
- laptop
- colour monitor
- which device have inbuilt of keybord and mouse ?
- desktop computer
- laptop
- crt
- scanner
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