Wednesday 29 May 2024

Experiment - 50 :- Identify Output Voltages Using Color Coding. Measure Voltage Level And Test Cable And Fuse.

AIM:-  Measuring Voltage  on Different Connectors at Different test Points 

           Using Color Coding


Tools/ Instruments/ Equipment                                         

  • Trainee Tool Kit 
  • Logic Probe
  • service Manual

  • SMPS ATX Type
  • SMPS AT Type   


Step - 1  :- Measure SMPS Output Voltages

  • First Switch On The SMPS Using Main Cord connection

  • Then Record Details of Power Connector.

  • Record  All Measurement of  Voltages at Different Connectors
  • Repeat Above All Step for Other Connectors.
  • Then Get The  Verify Or Check Your Work by  Instructor.
  • After Successfully Completion Switch Off The Power Supply and Disconnect it.

Step 2 :- Measure Voltages At Different Test Points of SMPS

  • Disassemble The SMPS and Observe it
  • Select a Test Point from The Record Sheet and  Identify its location in the Given SMPS.
  • After Identification Measure  A Test Point and Record It in Sheet.

  • Repeat Procedure Until All Other Test Point  Measurement Do Not Complete.
  • Let The  Verify Your Work  By Instructor.
Conclusion :-  After Completing This Experiment Trainee Able to Check Testing  
                       Point Of SMPS And Take Measurement of  Voltages At Different 
                      Testing Point.

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