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Monday, 27 March 2023

Practical- 67 :- IP addressing technique (IP4/ IP6) and Subnetting and Supernetting the network.


Topology Diagram



  • Subnet an address space based on the host requirements.
  • Assign host addresses to devices.
  • Configure devices with IP addressing.
  • Verify the addressing configuration.


Background / Preparation

In this activity, you will subnet the private address space to provide enough host addresses for the two LANs attached to the router. You will then assign valid host addresses to the appropriate devices and interfaces. Finally, you will test connectivity to verify your IP address implementation.


Step 1: Subnet an address space based on the host requirements.

a.     You are given the private address space Subnet this address space based on the following requirements:

  • LAN-A needs enough addresses for 50 hosts.
  • LAN-B needs enough addresses for 40 hosts.


  1. How many bits must be left for host addresses? _____
  2. How many bits can now be taken from the host portion to make a subnet? _____ 
  3. How many hosts does each subnet support? _____
  4. How many subnets are created? _____

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