Thursday 10 February 2022

Theory - 64.1 :- FRONT PANEL OF CRO

For proper operation of an oscilloscope, all the controls are mounted on the front panel. Below Figure depicts the location of various controls on the front panel of a typical general purpose dual beam oscilloscope. In such a CRO, two signals can be viewed simultaneously on two separate channels. We may add here that the location of different controls can vary from one make to another.

You must carefully read and understand the function of each control. Then, you should see for yourself how some of the basic controls on the front panel affect a given trace. For this, first switch on the oscilloscope and obtain a horizontal line on the CRO screen. (In case of a dual trace oscilloscope, you should obtain two straight lines.) You need not have any connections to the vertical input sections at this stage. Now adjust the controls listed in Table 1 and record your observations.

Table 2 describes the function of each control shown in Fig. 1


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