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Thursday, 17 February 2022

Theory - 67 :- Block Diagram of AM Transmitter

AM Transmitter :

Transmitters that transmit AM signals are known as AM transmitters. These transmitters are used in medium wave (MW) and short wave (SW) frequency bands for AM broadcast. The MW band has frequencies between 550 KHz and 1650 KHz, and the SW band has frequencies ranging from 3 MHz to 30 MHz. The two types of AM transmitters that are used based on their transmitting powers are:

  • High Level
  • Low Level

High level transmitters use high level modulation, and low level transmitters use low level modulation. The choice between the two modulation schemes depends on the transmitting power of the AM transmitter. In broadcast transmitters, where the transmitting power may be of the order of kilowatts, high level modulation is employed. In low power transmitters, where only a few watts of transmitting power are required , low level modulation is used.

High-Level and Low-Level Transmitters                                                                                      

Below figure's show the block diagram of high-level and low-level transmitters. The basic difference between the two transmitters is the power amplification of the carrier and modulating signals.

Figure (a) shows the block diagram of high-level AM transmitter.


In high-level transmission, the powers of the carrier and modulating signals are amplified before applying them to the modulator stage, as shown in figure (a). In low-level modulation, the powers of the two input signals of the modulator stage are not amplified. The required transmitting power is obtained from the last stage of the transmitter, the class C power amplifier.

The various sections of the figure (a) are:

  1. Carrier oscillator
  2. Buffer amplifier
  3. Frequency multiplier
  4. Power amplifier
  5. Audio chain
  6. Modulated class C power amplifier

Carrier oscillator

The carrier oscillator generates the carrier signal, which lies in the RF range. The frequency of the carrier is always very high. Because it is very difficult to generate high frequencies with good frequency stability, the carrier oscillator generates a sub multiple with the required carrier frequency. This sub multiple frequency is multiplied by the frequency multiplier stage to get the required carrier frequency. Further, a crystal oscillator can be used in this stage to generate a low frequency carrier with the best frequency stability. The frequency multiplier stage then increases the frequency of the carrier to its required value.

Buffer Amplifier                                                

The purpose of the buffer amplifier is twofold. It first matches the output impedance of the carrier oscillator with the input impedance of the frequency multiplier, the next stage of the carrier oscillator. It then isolates the carrier oscillator and frequency multiplier.

This is required so that the multiplier does not draw a large current from the carrier oscillator. If this occurs, the frequency of the carrier oscillator will not remain stable.

Frequency Multiplier                                                

The sub-multiple frequency of the carrier signal, generated by the carrier oscillator , is now applied to the frequency multiplier through the buffer amplifier. This stage is also known as harmonic generator. The frequency multiplier generates higher harmonics of carrier oscillator frequency. The frequency multiplier is a tuned circuit that can be tuned to the requisite carrier frequency that is to be transmitted.

Power Amplifier

The power of the carrier signal is then amplified in the power amplifier stage. This is the basic requirement of a high-level transmitter. A class C power amplifier gives high power current pulses of the carrier signal at its output.

Audio Chain

The audio signal to be transmitted is obtained from the microphone, as shown in figure (a). The audio driver amplifier amplifies the voltage of this signal. This amplification is necessary to drive the audio power amplifier. Next, a class A or a class B power amplifier amplifies the power of the audio signal.

Modulated Class C Amplifier                                                             

This is the output stage of the transmitter. The modulating audio signal and the carrier signal, after power amplification, are applied to this modulating stage. The modulation takes place at this stage. The class C amplifier also amplifies the power of the AM signal to the reacquired transmitting power. This signal is finally passed to the antenna., which radiates the signal into space of transmission.

Figure  shows the block diagram of a low-level AM transmitter.

The low-level AM transmitter shown in the figure (b) is similar to a high-level transmitter, except that the powers of the carrier and audio signals are not amplified. These two signals are directly applied to the modulated class C power amplifier.

Modulation takes place at the stage, and the power of the modulated signal is amplified to the required transmitting power level. The transmitting antenna then transmits the signal.

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