Aim :- How to install software in red hat Linux
Equipment: - PC with latest configuration
Raw Material:- CD/ DVD of software
Theory :-
Red Hat is the basis of PC, Linux OS, Mandriva and Fedora. If your distro doesn't include all the software you want, you can install additional software from the internet (whether you have broadband or dial‐up) or removable media. This can be accomplished graphically or using the command line.
Steps :-
- Understand that in Linux, software is bundled in packages which can be downloaded from repositories (repos).1T 1TInstallation tools are called package managers which automatically resolve dependencies on other software libraries.
- Now for the command line.1T 1TOpen a root shell/terminal.
- Type the root password.
- To update the package lists type yum check‐update
- Type yum install "program name"
- For example, to install the Dillo web browser, you would type1T 1T34yum install dillo34T. Confirm by pressing Y. You're done!
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