Friday 2 September 2022

Practical - 2 :- Preparing functional system in linux

 AIM :- Preparing functional system in linux

Equipment :- PC with Latest Configurations

Raw Material :-   Software CD’s and    Components to Add

To enjoy your new Linux installation forever without any worries, it is important to take a few simple precautions. You must do these as soon as you complete installing Linux on your machine for the first time.

  • Accept the Red Hat License agreement and click ‘Forward.
  • The next step is regarding the configuration of the Firewall. You can Enable or Disable  the firewall according to your preferences and then click ‘Forward’.
  • Next step is about the configuration of another security tool‐ SE Linux. By default you  should keep it ‘Disabled’ unless you’re working with very secure information.  
  • You can also choose to configure the Kdump, that stores information about system crashes if your system fails but uses valuable disk space. By default don’t enable it.  
  • Next, adjust the time and date settings, and then click ‘Forward’.
  • The next step is for software updates from Red Hat, at this point you should skip the registration and register at a later time and then click ‘Forward’
  • This step is to create a non‐admin user for the system. Enter the details and click ‘Forward’.  
  • This step is about configuration of your Sound Card, choose a sound device and then click ‘Forward’.  
  • Click ‘Forward’ to complete the configurations and start using your Red Hat Linux OS.

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