Practical - 5 :- Backup your Linux box using the Scripts

Equipment:- PC with latest configuration

Row material: -    

back up tool ie. CD/ HDD /DVD 

software DVDs

Theory :-  A backup is a copy of the information in a database, held in some physically separate location from your database. If the database becomes unavailable, perhaps because of damage to a disk drive, you can restore it from the backup. Depending on the nature of the damage, it is often possible to restore from backups all committed changes to the database up to the time it became unavailable.


Step 1: Create an IBackup online account

Step 2: Download the script bundle

  • The archive needs to be downloaded and extracted into a particular folder on your Linux box.
  • Download the idevsutil command line utility (32 bit/64 bit) and place it inside the script folder (extracted folder).

Step 3: Provide appropriate permissions (executable permission) to the scripts and command line utility 

Example: chmod a+x *.pl and chmod a+x idevsutil

Step 4: Configuration file setting for backup / restore

We have provided "CONFIGURATION_FILE" along with the download bundle. Following are the parameters that you need to set:

Step 5: Login to your IBackup account

After you have set the parameters for the Configuration File, run the below command:


Step 6: Schedule the backup job After setting the configuration file (as detailed above), run the below command:


 Choose the desired scheduled date / time for the backup job. The backup job will automatically start at the scheduled time.

You can even perform manual backup using the below command:


Step 7: View backup/restore progress

To view the progress details during backup or restore, run the below command $./

Step 8: Schedule the restore job You can schedule your Restore jobs too.

After setting the configuration file (as detailed above), run the below command:


Step 9: Stop ongoing Backup/restore operations

To stop an ongoing backup job, a restore job, or both, run the following command: $./

Step 10: View the backup / restore logs You can view the backup / restore log files that are present in the ./LOGS folder.

Step 11: Logout from your IBackup account To end the session, run the below command:



Key Points While Performing Steps

After extraction of the zip archive, you will find following files in the folder:

a.                                            b.

c.                            d.

e.             f.

g.                                         h.

i. CONFIGURATION_FILE              j. BackupsetFile.txt

k. RestoresetFile.txt                            l. ExcludeList.txt


Note: For more information, verify the sample configuration and other supported files provided along with the download bundle.

The login script is a mandatory script to be executed before performing any Backup/Restore operation. It will create a secure session for the IBackup account mentioned in the configuration file. This script will also replace the PASSWORD and the PVTKEY values in the configuration file with dummy values once the login is successful. This way your IBackup credentials will not be visible to anyone while you use your IBackup account.  

Note: This is the IBackup Authentication script to create a secure session for enhanced security.

Choose the desired scheduled date / time for the restore job. The restore job will automatically start at the scheduled time. You can even perform manual restore using the below command: $./

To keep your IBackup account safe, logout of the secure session (optional). This script will clear the PASSWORD and PVTKEY fields in the CONFIGURATION_FILE ensuring your IBackup credentials cannot be viewed by others. After logout, you need to login again to perform any other operations.


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