Triode SCRs (TRIAC): Construction, Characteristics, Modes of Operation
TRIAC is a short form of TRIode for Alternating Current. The other power electronics switches lik…
TRIAC is a short form of TRIode for Alternating Current. The other power electronics switches lik…
DIAC means DI ode A lternating C urrent. Generally, DIAC uses to trigger the TRIAC. Sometimes it…
A Uni Junction Transistor (UJT) is a device that is formed with a single junction of p-type and the…
Working of FET Similar to Biploar transistors, the working point of adjustment and stabilizatio…
FIELD EFFECTTRANSISTORS (FET) The main difference between a Bi‐polar transistor and a FET is th…
Frequency Response of an electric or electronics circuit allows us to see exactly how the output…
In a transistor since there are two PN junctions there are three voltage parameters VBE , VBC, V…