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Thursday, 16 June 2022




What Is a Laptop Computer?

A laptop computer is smaller than a desktop computer, generally less than three inches thick, and weigh less than desktop computers. The laptop's size makes it convenient for transportation in briefcases, backpacks, and other bags.

The device derives its name from being able to be used by resting on a person's lap without the need for a desk or other surface. Laptop computers may also be referred to as notebook computers, though a notebook computer usually describes a computer that is smaller and lighter than a laptop computer.

Types of Laptop Computers

While there are no specific types of laptops, retailers generally give them categories for consumers to help them find one for their needs. Some of the labels you might find at a retailer are:

  • Value
  • Everyday
  • Gaming
  • Professional
  • Ultraportable or notebook
The Hardware Components & Parts of Laptop

There are various hardware components and parts in laptop computer. Which are given below.

    Display Screen              Top Panel                    Base Panel            Keyboard        Touchpad

    Motherboard                 CPU                           Cooling Fan          RAM                ROM

    HDD                                SSD                           Wireless Card       Video Card     Optical Drive

    Battery                           Charger                      Speaker                Hinges              External Port

    Camera                           Palm Rest Assembly

Display Screen

The display screen is one of the main parts of the laptop, the display screen can also be called a monitor screen, just as a desktop computer has a monitor screen, in the same way, a laptop has a display screen.          

A display screen is an output device that the user uses to take the output of his input data.

The display is an important component of the laptop so that a user can use the laptop. Users without a screen cannot use a laptop computer.           

  • LCD
  • LED
  • VGA
  • XVGA
  • CCFL

2. Top Panel

The top panel is also one of the important parts of the laptop. The top panel is in every type of laptop computer.

The top panel is the part of the laptop in which the display screen of the laptop is fitted. Or say in simple language, the screen of the laptop is installed in the top panel of the laptop.

3. Base Panel

The base panel is also one of the main parts of the laptop. You can also call the base panel an important part of the laptop because all the parts of the laptop fit in the base panel itself.

Such as - Motherboard, Processor, Hard Disk, SSD, Battery, Optical Drive, Keyboard, Touchpad and Cooling Fan, etc. Or in simple language, all the components of a laptop computer are installed in the base panel of the laptop.

4. Keyboard

The keyboard is also one of the important parts of a laptop. The keyboard is located on the base panel of the laptop. Using the keyboard, the user inputs any type of data into the laptop computer because the keyboard is an input device.

The keyboard of a laptop is smaller in size than the external keyboard, but there are as many buttons on an external keyboard as there are on the keyboard of the laptop.

5. Touchpad

The touchpad is also one of the important parts of a laptop.

A touchpad works like a computer mouse, just like a desktop computer has a mouse, in the same way, laptop computers have a touchpad.

Touchpad and computer mouse are both pointing devices and have the same function.

6. Motherboard

The motherboard is also one of the important parts of the laptop. The motherboard of the laptop is also in the base panel.

The motherboard is such a part of the laptop in which all the components of the laptop computer and CPU are present there. In the motherboard itself, many parts of the laptop are connected to each other.

7. CPU

CPU is also one of the main parts of the laptop. The laptop CPU is also located in the base panel.

CPU means Central Processing Unit or you can also call CPU as Processor. The job of the processor is to process the user's data. That's why a processor is also called a processing device. 

A processing device is the brain of the laptop computer, all the instructions start executing from here. 

8. Cooling Fan           

The cooling fan is also a part of the laptop, the cooling fan is also in the base panel of the laptop. 

Cooling fans are found in laptops and desktop computers, but the cooling fans of laptops are smaller than the cooling fans of desktop computers. 

When you are working on your laptop for a long time then your laptop starts getting hot, then the job of a cooling fan is to keep your laptop cool.

9. RAM

RAM is also an important part of the laptop, RAM is in the motherboard of the laptop. 

RAM is the primary memory, this memory is present in every laptop and desktop computer. Laptop RAM is smaller than the size of desktop computer RAM

There are also many types of RAM memory, which have different functions, one of the functions of RAM memory is to load the operating system.

10. ROM

ROM is also an important part of a laptop, ROM is in the laptop's motherboard. ROM is also a primary memory, this memory is in every laptop and desktop computer. ROM means read-only memory. As the name suggests, this memory can only read any data.

There are also many types of ROM Memory, which have different functions, the function of ROM memory is to give instructions to load the operating system.

There are also many types of ROM Memory, which have different functions, the function of ROM memory is to give instructions to load the operating system.

12. SSD

SSD is also an important part of the laptop, the SSD is also in the base panel of the laptop.SSD is a storage device. SSD stands for a solid-state drive. Solid State Drive is not on every laptop and desktop computer, you have to install separately an SSD on your laptop or desktop computer.

SSD is much faster than HDD and SSD are also costlier than HDD. SSD is also a permanent storage device in which you can save your data.

13. Wireless Card

A wireless card is one of the important components of a laptop. The wireless card is also located in the base panel of the laptop. By taking a wireless card, you can run the internet on your laptop without an Ethernet cable.

Using a wireless card, you can run Wi-Fi the internet. Without a wireless card, you cannot run wireless internet on your laptop.

14. Video Card

The video card is also an important part of a laptop computer. You can also call video cards a graphics card and you can also call graphics cards GPU. 

GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit.

The video card enhances the video quality of the laptop. If you see the photo of a video on your laptop using a video card, then the video or photo will look colorful.

11. HDD

HDD is also an important part of the laptop, the HDD is in the base panel of the laptop itself.

HDD is a storage device. HDD means hard disk drive. The hard disk drive is present in every laptop and desktop computer, but the hard disk drive of a laptop is smaller than that of a desktop computer.

HDD is a permanent storage device in which you can save your data.

12. SSD

SSD is also an important part of the laptop, the SSD is also in the base panel of the laptop.

SSD is a storage device. SSD stands for a solid-state drive. Solid State Drive is not on every laptop and desktop computer, you have to install separately an SSD on your laptop or desktop computer.

SSD is much faster than HDD and SSD are also costlier than HDD.

SSD is also a permanent storage device in which you can save your data.

13. Wireless Card

A wireless card is one of the important components of a laptop. The wireless card is also located in the base panel of the laptop.

By taking a wireless card, you can run the internet on your laptop without an Ethernet cable.

Using a wireless card, you can run Wi-Fi the internet. Without a wireless card, you cannot run wireless internet on your laptop.

14. Video Card

The video card is also an important part of a laptop computer. You can also call video cards a graphics card and you can also call graphics cards GPU.

GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit.

The video card enhances the video quality of the laptop. If you see the photo of a video on your laptop using a video card, then the video or photo will look colorful. And if you watch the same video or image on your laptop without graphics, then you will not see that video or image in colorful.

15. Optical Drive

Optical drives are also components of a laptop. Optical Drive It is present on the base panel of the laptop.  Optical drives are used for reading and writing optical discs. Through an optical drive, you can copy the data of the optical disc to your laptop.

16. Battery

The battery is also one of the important parts of a laptop computer. The battery is also present in the base panel of the laptop.

The battery is in every laptop computer, even after the line is cut, you can run your laptop using the battery and complete your work.

The battery backup of a laptop computer is for a long time so that you can use the laptop anywhere.

17. Charger

The charger is also one of the important parts of a laptop computer. You can also call the charger a power cable.

Your laptop's battery is charged from the charger itself so that after the power cut, the laptop runs from the battery.

You know that the charger or power cable is the same, which works both such as - the battery of the laptop is also charged and also gives the current to run the laptop from the line.

18. Speaker

The speaker is also a laptop. The speaker is also present in the base panel of the laptop.

With the use of the speaker, you can also listen to different types of songs on your laptop computer, and the speaker is in every laptop computer.

19. Hinges

Hinges are also one of the very important parts of a laptop computer.

Hinges are a type of metal, which is attached to the base panel and top panel of the laptop. The laptop screen opens and closes only through hinges. Or in simple words, with the use of hinges, the screen of the laptop is from top to bottom and bottom to top.

20. External Ports

External ports are also important parts of laptop computers. You must have seen that there are many ports in the base panel of the laptop, which are used to connect many types of devices.

Given below are the names of some external ports which are in laptop computers.

  • USB Port
  • VGA port
  • Mic Port
  • Ethernet Cable port
  • Headphone Jack Port

21. Camera

The camera is also a part of the laptop. The camera is located on the top panel of the laptop. The camera is of every laptop computer, which is used for video calling.

You can also hold meetings with Google Meet through a laptop camera.

22. Palm Rest Assembly

Palm Rest Assembly is also a part of the laptop that is inside the base panel of the laptop.

Say in simple words, the keyboard and touchpad are installed in the Palm Rest Assembly and one very important thing is the Palm Rest Assembly is like a shield that protects the laptop's motherboard from external dust and water. 

And if you watch the same video or image on your laptop without graphics, then you will not see that video or image in colorful.



 MS Outlook is a personal information manager which was introduced in 1997 by Microsoft. It was later included as a part of the MS Office suite and is mainly an email client.

One of the biggest advantages of using MS Outlook is that it can serve the purpose of both, a stand-alone application and also a multi-user software. It can be used by an individual as an email client-server and also by an Organization which requires shared features like a mailbox, calendar, appointments, etc.

History and Evolution of MS Outlook

Evolution of MS Outlook



Outlook 97

  • Released on January 16, 1997
  • It had replaced the existing Microsoft’s email clients including Exchange Client, Schedule+ etc.

Outlook 98

  • Released on June 21, 1998
  • It was freely distributed with books and magazines to cope up with the latest Internet standard
  • Involved usage of HTML mail

Outlook 2002

  • Released on May 31, 2001
  • Introduced in Office XP
  • Brought in new features like colored tables, hyperlinks, autocomplete and MSN messenger integration

Outlook 2003

  • Released on June 27, 1999
  • Desktop alerts for emails were introduced
  • Filtering of mails to skip spam
  • Expandable distribution list
  • Unicode support

Outlook 2007

  • Released on January 27, 2007
  • Feature to preview the attachments was introduced
  • Excel, Word, PowerPoint files were now supported by Outlook
  • Features like calendar sharing, export of PDF and XLS files, unified messaging support, etc. were also added to the application

Outlook 2010

  • Released on July 15, 2010
  • Group messages could now be shared
  • The feature of social connector, where the files could be shared on social networking platforms was introduced

Outlook 2013

  • Released on January 29, 2013
  • A reminder to ask the user to attach files with mail was introduced
  • People hub
  • Compression of Outlook data file
  • Improvement in start up performances

Outlook 2016

  • Released on September 22, 2015
  • Almost similar features, only cloud computing was added

Outlook 2019

  • Released on September 24, 2018
  • Filtering and sorting of mails became easier
  • Supported a focused inbox
  • Multiple time zones could be added

Functions of MS Outlook

This program of the MS Office suite allows you to send emails, arrange meetings, give appointments, etc. can be used by a single individual or a group of people. 


The major functions of MS Outlook have, however, been discussed in detail below:

  1. It makes communication easy and sending emails is just a click away. Various attachments in different formats can be added to these mails
  2. Since it is an organizing and managing application, it provides features to set up appointments and meeting using calendar and setting up reminders for the same
  3. All the mails sent or received can easily be tracked if the correct settings have been added to the application
  4. For Organizations, setting up activities as a team is easy with Outlook. You can easily share and collaborate with other members of your team or group
  5. Similar mails are interlinked automatically which forms a mail thread of such emails

Components of MS Outlook

The image above shows the MS Outlook Ribbon where all the components and options which can be used to work on this application are given. This Ribbon is based on the latest version of MS Outlook and made the program more useful and interactive for its users.

Options to create new mains, set up calendars or appointments, replying or forwarding a mail etc. can all be done using the features present of the ribbon.

There are also options like “New” and “Delete” where new mails or meetings can be set and deleting the existing or old and junk mails can be done.

But, one must know to use MS Outlook, a proper set is required and logging in using an email id is also mandatory. If the application is being used by an Organization or a group of people, the setup is already done. But for individual or personal usage, MS Outlook needs to be set up as per the user’s requirement.

For those, who are preparing for the upcoming competitive exams, it is important to solve more questions to excel in the examination. Thus, given below are links to prepare yourselves accordingly:

Basic MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

MS Outlook – Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys



Go to Home tab


Send a message


Go to calendar


Check for new messages


Switch to mail view


Switch to the contacts view


Open the Address Book


To create an appointment


To create a contact group


Create a meeting request


To create a note


There are certain shortcut keys which make using MS Outlook even more convenient and quicker. Given below are such navigation, functional and formatting shortcut keys: