Monday 25 April 2022

Practical - 89 :- Restoring the computer from a system image in windows7

Restoring the computer from a system image in windows7

Objectives: - To backup and restore the windows partitions.


Tools/Instruments/Equipments  : - Pentium IV or Higher  Configuration




Task 1 :-  Backing UP and restoring the windows partition

  • Click start and then click control panel

  • Click “Backup Your Computer”, Under “System And Security “.
The Backup and Restore Center Opens.
  • Click” Recover System Settings Or Your Computer “ as on Figure 1 .
  • Under System Restore, Click “Advanced Recovery Methods “ Figure 2.

  • On The Advanced Recovery Methods Page, Click “Use A System image you created earlier to recover your computer”, Figure 3.

  • If You have created any files since you created the system image disks, you should  click backup now to save copies of your recent files as on fig 4.

 If you have a current back up of your files ,click skip as on fig 4.

  • Click restart to continue the recovery as on Fig 5.

  • After Clicking restart button the process windows will display as on figure 6.

After a few minutes the backup destination selection window will appear as on figure 7

  • Select the backup destination drive and click next button as in figure 7.
  • Select “Let Windows Choose ( Recommended)” Option  and Click Next Button. 

The Review Your Backup Settings “window will appear as on Figure 8.

  • Click “ Save Setting And Run Backup”, Button. The Window Will appear as on Figure 9.

  • The Backup Progress Window will Display as on Figure 10.
  • Get it checked with your instructor.

For More Information Click This :-




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