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Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Mechanical Parts And Sensors On Laser Printer, Function, Replacement Procedure.

Mechanical Parts And Sensors On Laser Printer,  Function, Replacement Procedure.

Power Supply In Laser Printers, Circuit, Defects, Servicing.

Power  Supply  In  Laser  Printers, Circuit, Defects, Servicing.

Printer Drum, Function, Cleaning And Replacing Procedure.

Printer  Drum,  Function,  Cleaning And Replacing Procedure.

Refilling Toner Cartridges, Equipment Available For Refilling And Procedure.

Refilling   Toner  Cartridges, Equipment  Available  For  Refilling And Procedure.

Toner Cartridge, Types, Replacing Toner Cartridges

Toner Cartridge, Types, Replacing Toner Cartridges

Working Principle Of LASER Printer.

 Working    Principle    Of     LASER  Printer.

Printer Control Board, Circuit, Function, Probable Defects, Servicing.

Printer   Control   Board,   Circuit, Function,  Probable  Defects, Servicing.

Carriage Motor Assembly, Paper Feed Assembly, Sensors. Procedure For Dismantling And Replacing Mechanical Parts.

Carriage  Motor  Assembly, Paper Feed Assembly,  Sensors.

Procedure  For  Dismantling   And Replacing Mechanical Parts.

Printer Power Supply, Circuit Analysis, Defects, Servicing. Circuit, Function, Probable Defects, Servicing.

Printer    Power   Supply,    Circuit Analysis,      Defects,     Servicing. Circuit,  Function,       Probable Defects, Servicing.

Precaution To Be Taken While Removing And Replacing Printer

Precaution   To   Be  Taken   While Removing  And Replacing Printer.

Refilling Of Ribbons.

Refilling Of Ribbons.

Ribbon Types Used.

 Ribbon Types Used.

Installation of a printer driver. And self-test.

 Installation  Of  A  Printer  Driver. And Self-Test.

Types Of Printers

Types   Of  Printers,  

Linux file system, The Shell, Users and file permissions, VI editor, X window system, Filter Commands, Processes, Shell Scripting.

Linux    File   System,   

The   Shell, Users   And   File  Permissions,   VI Editor,  X  Window  System,  

Filter Commands,  Processes,  Shell Scripting.

Installing UNIX/ LINUX

 Installing UNIX/ LINUX

Identify of different types of capacitors from colour code and typographic code

Identify   of   different   types   of capacitors from color code and typographic code

Rewind a transformer to given specification using winging machine

Rewind  a  transformer  to  given specification  using winging machine

Type of cores and uses for LF, HF, VHF transformer

Type  Of Cores  And  Uses  For  LF,  HF,  VHF Transformer

Transformers. Turns ratio. Transformer winding. Winding machines

Transformers.       Turns  Ratio. 

Transformer   Winding.   Winding Machines

Demo On Self And Mutual Induction

Demo On Self  And Mutual Induction

Measure inductance using LCR

Measure   Inductance   Using   LCR

Dependent resistors. Variable resistors, pots, presets,types and application. Log and Linear resistors

Dependent resistors. 

Variable resistors, pots, presets,types  and  application. 

Log  and Linear resistors

Experiment to check VDRs

 Experiment  To  Check  VDRs

Experiment using p.t.c and ntc with resistors

 Experiment using p.t.c and ntc with resistors

Types of solder and need of soldering paste

 Types Of Solder And Need Of Soldering Paste

Monday, 3 October 2022

17. Verification of Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs Laws.

 17. Verification   of   Ohms   Law   and Kirchhoff s Laws.

Colour Coding Of Resistors. Calculating Measuring Resistance Value And Its Tolerance Value

Colour  Coding   Of  Resistors.

Calculating  Measuring Resistance  Value  And  Its Tolerance  Value

Identify Different Types Of Resistors From Physical Appearance

 Identify  different   types  of resistors  from  physical  appearance

Measure DC and AC power using V-I method and using power meter

Measure DC and AC power using V-I   method   and   using   power meter

AC and DC meters

AC and DC meters

Circuit voltage and current. Measuring circuit voltage and current using voltmeters and ammeters

Circuit    Voltage    And    Circuit

Measuring   Circuit   Voltage    and  Circuit   Using   Voltmeters   And  Ammeters

Different types of connectors used in electrical and electronic applications

Different types of connectors used in electrical and electronic applications