Variable resistors, pots, presets, types and application. Log and Linear resistors.
RESISTORS In fixed value resistor the value of resistance is fixed, at the time
of manufacture, whereas, variable resistors are manufactured such that its
resistance value can be changed by the user. A typical variable resistor,
commonly known as potentiometer is shown in fig 1.
example, in a variable resistor of 10 KΩ, It is possible to set the resistance
of the variable resistor, to any value between 0 Ω TO 10 KΩ.
variable resistor will have a minimum of three terminals. Referring to Fig 1,
the maximum resistance exits across the end terminals X & Z. The resistance
across terminals X & Y or across Z & Y can be varied by rotating the
symbols used to represent variable resistors are shown fig 2.
Variable resistors are also known as
Potentiometers or Pots. The term potentiometer is used for variable resistors
because a variable resistor cann be used to adjust the potential difference
[voltage] applied to a device or a circuit as shown in Fig 3.
values of Potentiometers are printed on their body either directly in ohms or
in a coded form. The value printed always refers to the maximum value that Potentiometer can have. Hence the minimum value
to which it can be set is always 0 Ω..
TYPES OF VARIABLE RESISTORS: Variable resistor different types are
available in market. These types can be categorized as follows:
Based on the types of control as
shown in fig 4.
In rotary types of variable resistors, the resistance across the
terminals x-y increases as the shaft is rotated anti clock –wise whereas in
sliding type, resistance across x-y increases as the slider is moved from A to
2.Based ON the resistive material used as shown in fig
Fig 5 illustrates the brief constructional detail of carbon type and
wire wound type variable resistors. In carbon type, the resistive material used
is carbon or graphite. Wire wound type variable resistors uses several turns of
resistive turns of resistive wire such as tungsten or manganin.
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