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Monday, 27 December 2021

Triode SCRs (TRIAC): Construction, Characteristics, Modes of Operation

 TRIAC is a short form of TRIode for Alternating Current. The other power electronics switches like IGBT, MOSFET, are used to control the DC power. The TRIAC is a device that operates in the AC application.

A TRIAC is a bidirectional device belonging to the thyristor family. The TRIAC allows the current to flow in both directions. Therefore, the TRIAC is turned ON with the AC power, and it can operate in both directions (positive and negative).

The SCR is a unidirectional device. After the SCR, TRIAC is the most widely used device of the thyristor family. And therefore, TRIAC is available in a wide range of voltage and current ratings.

Construction of TRIAC

TRIAC is a three-terminal device. Two terminals are main terminals (MT1 and MT2); one terminal is a gate terminal. The gate terminal is a control terminal.

TRIAC is equivalent to two SCRs connected in anti-parallel. And the symbol of TRIAC also looks like two SCRs connected in anti-parallel, as shown below figure.

The basic stricture of TRIAC is as shown below figure.

The main terminals are names MT1 and MT2. The MT1 terminal is near the gate terminal.

The TRIAC is a four-layer device and consists of six doping regions. Gate terminal helps TRIAC to get triggered in positive and negative directions.

Gate terminal is connected with N4 and P2 regions by metallic contact. Terminal MT1 is associated with regions P2 and N2. Terminal MT2 is connected with P1 and N4 regions.

Characteristics of TRIAC

The TRIACs is a bi-directional device. Therefore, the characteristic of TRIAC will be in the first and third quadrant. And characteristic of TRIAC is similar to the characteristic of SCR.

In TRIACs, gate current can be positive or negative. But in the case of SCR, the gate current always positive.

TRIAC characteristics classified into three regions of operation;

  • Blocking state (OFF state)
  • Transition state (Unstable state)
  • Conduction state (ON state)

When the applied voltage is less than the breakdown voltage, a small leakage current will flow through the device. When voltage increases than the breakdown voltage, it will turn ON, and a high current will flow.

Even if the applied voltage is less than the breakdown voltage, the TRIAC can be turned ON by the gate pulse.

The operation of TRIAC is the same in the negative direction. It will create a mirror image in the third quadrant.

The gate current decides the supply voltage at which the TRIAC starts conducting. The below figure shows the characteristics of TRIAC.

Modes of Operation

If the applied voltage is more than the breakdown voltage, TRIAC operates in a conduction state. But TRIACs can be served by giving positive or negative gate pulse.

The greater the gate current results small amount of voltage to turn ON the TRIAC.

The TRIAC is a bi-directional device. Therefore, it is possible to connect a different combination of positive and negative voltages.

Four possible combinations make a different operating mode of TRIAC, as listed below.

  • MT2 is positive with respect to MT1, with gate polarity positive with respect to MT1
  • MT2 is positive with respect to MT1 with gate polarity negative with respect to MT1
  • MT2 is negative with respect to MT1, with gate polarity negative with respect to MT1
  • MT2 is negative with respect to MT1, with gate polarity positive with respect to MT1 


theory - : 40 working principle and applications of DIAC.

DIAC means DIode Alternating Current. Generally, DIAC uses to trigger the TRIAC. Sometimes it is also known as a TRIAC without GATE terminal. The DIAC is nothing but the combination of two SCRs connected back to back. The symbol of DIAC is shown in the below image.


Construction of DIAC

The DIAC is a two-terminal device. It is a bidirectional device. Hence, it can operate in both directions and current flow in both directions. It is a parallel inverse combination of semiconductor layers that permits triggering in either direction. The arrangement of layers is as shown in the below figure.


As we can see in the construction and symbol, the DIAC has two terminals. These terminals are MT1 and MT2 (main terminals 1 & 2). The terminal MT1 connects with the P1 layer and N1 layer. The terminal MT2 connect with the P2 and N3 layer. There is a junction (N2 layer) between the P1-N1 layer and the P2-N3 layer.

When the MT1 terminal is positive regarding the MT2 terminal, the conduction occurs through the layers P1-N2-P2-N3. This operation is similar to a single SCR. Similarly, when MT2 is positive regarding the MT1 terminal, the conduction occurs through the layers P2-N2-P1-N1. This operation is also identical to another single SCR.


This is similar as shown in the symbol that two SCRs connect back to back. The arrows indicate the direction of the current. From the above two figures, it is clear that the DIAC can conduct in both directions.

Working of the DIAC

DIAC can be turned on by either the positive and negative half cycle of the AC supply voltage. If the applied voltage is less than the forward break-over voltage, a small current will flow the device. This current is known as the leakage current.

The leakage current produces due to the drift of electrons and holes at the depletion region. Because of the small current, it is not sufficient to cause the conduction.

n this condition, the DIAC remains in a non-conducting mode. This mode is also known as the blocking mode. When the applied voltage reaches the break-over voltage, the device starts conducting. The current flowing through the device begins increasing. Hence, the voltage across it starts decreasing.

This region is known as the conduction region or conduction state. The break-over voltage of the DIAC remains unchanged because of the absence of the GATE terminal.

I-V characteristic

For the positive half cycle, the characteristic obtains in the first quadrant. For the negative half cycle, the characteristic gets in the third quadrant. The IV characteristic is as shown in the below figure.

As shown in the above figure, when the applied voltage is less than the break-over voltage, a minimal current will flow through the device, once the applied voltage increases from the break-over voltage, the current increases, and the voltage decrease.

The break-over voltage of a DIAC is between 28V to 42V and the typical turn ON time is 50 to 500 msec. Turn OFF time is around 100 nsec. The DIAC has a power handling capacity between 300mW to 1W.


Generally, DIAC is used as a triggering device of TRIAC. It is also used in the below control schemes.

1.      Lamp dimmer

2.      Fan speed regulator

3.      Temperature controller


1.      Low power device

2.      Does not have a control terminal


Theory -39 :- Uni Junction Transistor Working, Types and Applications

A Uni Junction Transistor (UJT) is a device that is formed with a single junction of p-type and the n-type of the semiconductor material. It resembles to that of the diode with a single junction of the P-N. It looks almost like that of the Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET). But the operation is completely different in comparison with it.

As the name suggesting it is a single junction transistor but it is widely used in the circuits of timing, triggering circuits and so on… it is a device that consists of dual layers along with three terminals present in it. It is having very different characteristics in comparison with the other transistors. Its three terminals are named as base1, base2 and the emitter. The current at the terminal emitter tends to increase as the input gets triggered.  These are used during switching of the devices other than amplification.

What is a Uni Junction Transistor?

A transistor that is formed because of the P-type and the N-type material so that a single junction is formed because of them this type of transistor is defined as uni junction transistor. These transistors are similar to that of JFET’s but their operations completely differ. Hence this transistor doesn’t suits for amplification techniques. This can be utilized during the switching of the devices to ON/OFF.

These transistors switching operation is completely different in comparison with the Field Effect Transistors (FET) and the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). If the channel in this transistor is formed of N-type semiconductor that is low in doping concentration the P-type is infused on it. This p-type is of high in doping concentration.

Working Principle of UJT

The basic functionality of the UJT depends on the value of the voltage applied. If the voltage applied in between the terminals of the emitter and the base1 are supposed to be zero this UJT doesn’t conduct. Hence the N-Type material tends to acts as a resistor. As the applied voltage tends to increase at the terminal of emitter the value of resistance tends to increase and the device begin to conduct. In the whole process the conduction is completely dependent on the majority of the charge carriers. This is the basic principle involved in UJT.

UJT Characteristics

The characteristics of the UJT are as follows

1.    It requires very low amounts of the voltage to get triggered.

2.    It is capable of controlling the current pulse.

3.    It consists of the negative value of the resistance.

4.    The cost of this transistor is very low.

As the current in the UJT tends to increase there can be evident drop in voltage value.  Hence this transistor shows the negative characteristics of resistance. This paves the way to make the UJT to work as a relaxation oscillator. The basic functional unit of this oscillator consists of resistor and the capacitor with UJT as the active unit for the oscillator to perform operation.

UJT Symbol and the Construction of UJT

The symbol of UJT is designed in such a way that arrow is bent and shown that it is in the direction towards the channel. It resembles of JFET. If the channel is made of the N-type then the terminal called emitter is of P-type and vice-versa. But the other type is rarely used. The junction in between the terminal of emitter and the bases are positioned in such a closer way to form a better communication. When the arrow from the emitter is pointing towards the terminals base 1 and the base 2 indicates that the terminal from which the arrow is coming that is emitter is positive whereas the base is of negative nature.

Symbol of UJT

The construction of the UJT is simple as it has one junction. The construction resembles diode.  The difference in between the UJT and the diode is that it consists of three terminals in comparison with the diode. The higher resistance value is present at the bar that is of n-type. The maximum value for the resistance is formed in between the terminals of the base 1 and the emitter in comparison with the resistance value of the terminals base2 and the emitter. The reason for this is that the positioning of the emitter is nearer or closer to the base 2 rather than base 1. The above connections make a basic circuit diagram of UJT.

This transistor is operated by making the junction of the terminal in the forward biasing mode.  The operation of this UJT is unique but it doesn’t amplify the signals but capable enough of handling and controlling the larger vale of the power applied in terms of AC.  It also exhibits the resistance in terms of negative polarity. This makes the UJT to utilize it as an oscillator circuit.

UJT Characteristics

The characteristics of the UJT are as follows

  1. It requires very low amounts of the voltage to get triggered.
  2. It is capable of controlling the current pulse.
  3. It consists of the negative value of the resistance.
  4. The cost of this transistor is very low.

As the current in the UJT tends to increase there can be evident drop in voltage value.  Hence this transistor shows the negative characteristics of resistance. This paves the way to make the UJT to work as a relaxation oscillator. The basic functional unit of this oscillator consists of resistor and the capacitor with UJT as the active unit for the oscillator to perform operation.

UJT Relaxation Oscillator

UJT is a transistor with one junction.  This possesses the resistance with negative characteristics. This makes the UJT to function as an oscillator. This is an oscillator with the basic resistor and capacitor. As it is good at switching and it takes minimum value of the nano seconds for switching the devices.

The circuitry of the relaxation oscillator consists of the resistors and the capacitor. The resistors act as the limiters of the current. Initially when the voltage is applied the UJT is considered to be OFF.  The capacitor tends to charge through the resistor present there that is R.  This charging of the capacitor is exponential in nature.

As the diode exceeds the minimum value the device starts conducting by making the emitter junction to be in forward biasing mode. Hence the transistor is considered to be ON. This makes the resistance value between the emitter and the Base 1 to decrease and the device enters in to the region of saturation that is fully conducting.  The flow of current of the terminal emitter through the resistor that is R1 takes place.

By making the capacitor to get discharged because the resistor R1 is of low ohmic value. The discharge value of the capacitor is lesser than that of the charging value of the capacitor. Once the voltage across the capacitor tends to decrease more than that of the time of holding the device tends to get turned OFF.  Based on the voltage applied as input dependent o it the device is managed to be turned ON or OFF.

Theory - 38 :- Working Principle Of Field Effect Transistors,,Advantages And Applications.


Working of FET

Similar to Biploar transistors, the working point of adjustment and stabilization are also required for FETs.

Biasing a JFET

  • Gates are always reverse biased. Therefore the gate current I, is practically zero.
  • The source terminal is always connected to that end of the supply which provides the necessary charge carriers.

For instance, in a N‐channel JFET source terminal S is connected to the negative of the d.c power supply. And, the posive of the d.c power supply is connected to the drain terminal of the JFET. where as in a P channel JFET, Source is connected to the positive end of the power supply and the drain is connected to the negative end of the power supply for the drain to get the holesfrom the P‐channel where the holes are the charge carriers.

Let us now consider an N channel JFET, the drain is made positive with respect to source by voltage VDs as shown in Fig 4a. When gate to source voltage VGs is zero, there is no control voltage and maximum electron current flows from source(S) ‐ through the channel – to the drain(D).

This electron current from source to drain is referred to as Drain current, ID. When gate is reverse biased with a negative voltage(VGSnegative) as shown in Fig 4b, the static field established at the gate causes depletion region to occur in the channel as shown in Fig 4b.

This depletion region decreases the width of the channel causing the drain current to decrease. If VGs is made more and more negative, the channel width decreases further resulting in further decrease in drain current. When the negative gate voltage is suffi‐r ciently high, the two depletion layers meet and block the channel cutting off the flow of drain current as shown in Fig 4c. This voltage at which this effect occurs is referred to as the Pinch off voltage, Vp.

Thus, by varying the reverse bias voltage between gate and source(‐VGS), the drain current can be varied between maximum current (with –VGS=O) and zero j current(with ‐VG,=pinch off voltage). So, JFET can be referred as a voltage controlled devices.

Advantages of FETS:

FETs combine the many advantages of both BJTS and vacuum tubes. Some of their main advantages are;

  1. High input impedance,
  2. Small size,
  3. Ruggedness,
  4. Long life,
  5. High frequency response,
  6. Low noise
  7. Negative temperature coefficient hence better thermal stability
  8. High power gain  
  9. A high immunity to radiatility,
  10. No offset voltage when used as a switch (or copper)  
  11. Square law characteristics.

The only disadvantage are;

  1. Small gain‐bandwidth product,
  2. Greater susceptibility to damage in handing them.


  1. As input amplifiers in oscilloscopes and other electronic testing instruments.
  2. In logic circuits.
  3. As ‘mixer’ of FM in TV receivers.
  4.  As VVR (voltage‐variable‐resistor) in operational amplifiers and tone control circuits of audio amplifiers.
  5.  In computers for large scale integration (LSI), in memory circuits.        

THeory - 37 :- Field effect transistors and its types



The main difference between a Bi‐polar transistor and a FET is that, Bi‐polar transistor is a current controlled device In simple terms, it means that the main current in a bipolar transistor (collector current) is controlled by the a base current.

FET is a voltage controlled device

This means that the voltage at the gate(similar to base of a bi‐polar transistor) controlles the main current. In addition to the above, in a bi‐polar trasistor (NPN or PNP), the main current always flows through N‐doped and P‐ doped semiconductor materials. Whereas, in a FET the main current flows either only through the Ndoped semiconductor or only through the P‐doped semiconductor as shown in Fig 1

If the main current flow is only through the N‐doped material, then such a FET is referred as a N‐channel or N‐type FET. The current through the N‐doped material in the N‐type FET is only by electrons.

If the main current flow is only through the P‐doped material, then such a FET is referred as a P‐channel or P‐type FET. The current through the P‐doped material in the P‐type FET is only by Holes.

in bipolar transistors in which the main current is both by electrons and holes, in constrast in FETs depending on the type(P or N type) the main current in

Either by electrons or by holes and never both. For this reason FETs are also known as Unipolar transistors or Unipolar device.

There are a vide variety of FETs. In this lesson MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET) and one of the fundamental type called as Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) are discussed.

Junction Field effect Transistor(JFET)

It is a three terminal device and looks similar to a bi‐polar transistor. The standard circuit symbols of N‐channel and P‐channel type FETs are shown in Fig 2.


As shown in Fig 3a, a n‐Channel JFET has a narrow bar of n‐type. To this, two p‐type junctions are diffused on opposite sides of its middle part Fig 3a. These diffused junctions form two P‐N diodes or gates. The n‐type semiconductor area between these junctions/gates is called channel. The diffused P regions on opposite sides of the channel are internally connected and a single lead is brought out which is called gate lead or terminal. Direct electrical connections are made at the two ends of the bar. One of which is called source terminal, S and the other drain terminal, D.

A p‐channel FET will be very similar to the n‐channel FET in construction except that it uses P‐type bar and two N type junctions as shown in Fig 3b. FET notation listed below are essential and worth memorizing,

  1. Source terminal: It is the terminal through which majority carriers enter the bar(N or P bar depending upon the type of FET).
  2. Drain terminal: It is the terminal through which majority carriers come out of the bar.
  3. Gate terminal: These are two internally connected heavily doped regions which form two P‐N junctions.
  4. Channel: It is the space between the two gates through which majority carriers pass from source to drain when FET is working(on).

Theory - 36 :-Testing‐ get frequency response, gain bandwidth product, signal to noise ratio


Frequency Response of an electric or electronics circuit allows us to see exactly how the output gain (known as the magnitude response) and the phase (known as the phase response) changes at a particular single frequency, or over a whole range of different frequencies from 0Hz, (d.c.) to many thousands of mega‐hertz, (MHz) depending upon the design characteristics of the circuit.

Generally, the frequency response analysis of a circuit or system is shown by plotting its gain, that is the size of its output signal to its input signal, Output/Input against a frequency scale over which the circuit or system is expected to operate. Then by knowing the circuits gain, (or loss) at each frequency point helps us to understand how well (or badly) the circuit can distinguish between signals of different frequencies. 

The frequency response of a given frequency dependent circuit can be displayed as a graphical sketch of magnitude (gain) against frequency (ƒ). The horizontal frequency axis is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale while the vertical axis representing the voltage output or gain, is usually drawn as a linear scale in decimal divisions. Since a systems gain can be both positive or negative, the y‐axis can therefore have both positive and negative values

Frequency Response Curve

Audio Amplifier            

An amplifier designed for audio frequency amplification will amplify signals with a frequency of less than about 20kHz but will not amplify signals having higher frequencies. An amplifier designed for radio frequencies will amplify a band of frequencies above about 100kHz but will not amplify the lower frequency audio signals. In each case the amplifier has a particular frequency response, being a band of frequencies where it provides adequate amplification, and excluding frequencies above and below this band, where the amplification is less than adequate.

Fig. 1.1.1b Response curve for a RF amplifier tuned to 774kHz

To show how the gain of an amplifier varies with frequency, a graph, showing the frequency response of the amplifier is used. Fig. 1.1.1a shows the typical frequency response curve of an audio amplifier, and Fig. 1.1.1b, that of a RF amplifier. In such graphs, it is common that very large values may be encountered for both gain and frequency. For this reason it is usual for both the frequency and gain axes of the graph to use logarithmic scales. It can be seen from Fig. 1.1.1a that scales on the (horizontal) x‐axis do not increase in a linear manner; each equal division represents a tenfold increase in the frequency plotted. This ensures that a very wide range of frequency can be plotted on a single graph. The (vertical) y‐axis uses linear divisions but logarithmic units (deciBels dB). The curve of the graph shows how gain, measured in deciBels, varies with frequency.                     

Comparing Figs. 1.1.1a and b drawn in this manner, shows how each type of amplifier (audio, RF etc) has its own characteristic shape of frequency response curve. An amplifier which has a very narrow, sharply peaked response curve is said to be very "selective". This is typical of an RF amplifier and is precisely what is needed in an amplifier designed for the tuning stages of a radio where only one radio carrier wave among many hundred others, crowded along the medium wave band for example, must be selected.

Intermediate frequency 

In communications and electronic engineering, an intermediate frequency (IF) is a frequency to which a carrier frequency is shifted as an intermediate step in transmission or reception.[1] The intermediate frequency is created by mixing the carrier signal with a local oscillator signal in a process called heterodyning, resulting in a signal at the difference or beat frequency. Intermediate frequencies are used in superheterodyne radio receivers, in which an incoming signal is shifted to an IF for amplification before final detection is done

Commonly used intermediate frequencies

  • 110 kHz was used in Long wave broadcast receivers.[1]
  • Analogue television receivers using system M: 41.25 MHz (audio) and 45.75 MHz (video). Note, the channel is flipped over in the conversion process in an intercarrier system, so the audio IF frequency is lower than the video IF frequency. Also, there is no audio local oscillator; the injected video carrier serves that purpose.  
  • Analogue television receivers using system B and similar systems: 33.4 MHz for aural and 38.9 MHz for visual signal. (The discussion about the frequency conversion is the same as in system M).  
  • FM radio receivers: 262 kHz, 455 kHz, 1.6 MHz, 5.5 MHz, 10.7 MHz, 10.8 MHz, 11.2 MHz, 11.7 MHz, 11.8 MHz, 21.4 MHz, 75 MHz and 98 MHz
  • AM radio receivers: 450 kHz, 455 kHz, 460 kHz, 465 kHz, 467 kHz, 470 kHz, 475 kHz, 480 kHz.[7]
  • Satellite uplink‐downlink equipment: 70 MHz, 950‐1450 MHz (L‐Band) Downlink first IF.
  • Terrestrial microwave equipment: 250 MHz, 70 MHz or 75 MHz
  • Radar: 30 MHz
  • RF Test Equipment: 310.7 MHz, 160 MHz, 21.4 MHz

Video amplifier

A low‐pass amplifier having a bandwidth in the range from 2 to 100 MHz. Typical applications are in television receivers, cathode‐ray‐tube computer terminals, and pulse amplifiers. The function of a video amplifier is to amplify a signal containing high‐frequency components without introducing distortion.

Modern video amplifiers use specially designed integrated circuits. With one chip and an external resistor to control the voltage gain, it is possible to make a video amplifier with a bandwidth between 50 and 100 MHz having voltage gains ranging from 20 to 500. See Amplifier, Integrated circuits.

A wideband amplifier has a precise amplification factor over a wide frequency range, and is often used to boost signals for relay in communications systems. A narrowband amp amplifies a specific narrow range of frequencies, to the exclusion of other frequencies.


Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower frequencies in a continuous set of frequencies. It is typically measured in hertz, and may sometimes refer to passband bandwidth, sometimes to baseband bandwidth, depending on context. Passband bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower cutoff frequencies of, for example, a bandpass filter, a communication channel, or a signal spectrum. In the case of a low‐pass filter or baseband signal, the bandwidth is equal to its upper cutoff frequency.

Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR

The noise performance and hence the signal to noise ratio is a key parameter for any radio receiver. The signal to noise ratio, or SNR as it is often termed is a measure of the sensitivity performance of a receiver. This is of prime importance in all applications from simple broadcast receivers to those used in cellular or wireless communications as well as in fixed or mobile radio communications, two way radio communications systems, satellite radio and more.

There are a number of ways in which the noise performance, and hence the sensitivity of a radio receiver can be measured. The most obvious method is to compare the signal and noise levels for a known signal level, i.e. the signal to noise (S/N) ratio or SNR. Obviously the greater the difference between the signal and the unwanted noise, i.e. the greater the S/N ratio or SNR, the better the radio receiver sensitivity performance. As with any sensitivity measurement, the performance of the overall radio receiver is determined by the performance of the front end RF amplifier stage. Any noise introduced by the first RF amplifier will be added to the signal and amplified by subsequent amplifiers in the receiver. As the noise introduced by the first RF amplifier will be amplified the most, this RF amplifier becomes the most critical in terms of radio receiver sensitivity performance. Thus the first amplifier of any radio receiver should be a low noise amplifier.

Concept of signal to noise ratio SNR

Although there are many ways of measuring the sensitivity performance of a radio receiver, the S/N ratio or SNR is one of the most straightforward and it is used in a variety of applications. However it has a number of limitations, and although it is widely used, other methods including noise figure are often used as well. Nevertheless the S/N ratio or SNR is an important specification, and is widely used as a measure of receiver sensitivity

Signal to noise ratio for a radio receiver

The difference is normally shown as a ratio between the signal and the noise (S/N) and it is normally expressed in decibels. As the signal input level obviously has an effect on this ratio, the input signal level must be given. This is usually expressed in microvolts. Typically a certain input level required to give a 10 dB signal to noise ratio is specified.

Signal to noise ratio formula

The signal to noise ratio is the ratio between the wanted signal and the unwanted background noise. 

It is more usual to see a signal to noise ratio expressed in a logarithmic basis using decibels:

If all levels are expressed in decibels, then the formula can be simplified to:

The power levels may be expressed in levels such as dBm (decibels relative to a milliwatt, or to some other standard by which the levels can be compared.

Effect of bandwidth on SNR

A number of other factors apart from the basic performance of the set can affect the signal to noise ratio, SNR specification. The first is the actual bandwidth of the receiver. As the noise spreads out over all frequencies it is found that the wider the bandwidth of the receiver, the greater the level of the noise. Accordingly the receiver bandwidth needs to be stated.

Additionally it is found that when using AM the level of modulation has an effect. The greater the level of modulation, the higher the audio output from the receiver. When measuring the noise performance the audio output from the receiver is measured and accordingly the modulation level of the AM has an effect. Usually a modulation level of 30% is chosen for this measurement. gain‐bandwidth product 

  • A figure of merit for amplifiers, especially operational amplifiers. It may be expressed in various manners, such as the product of the gain of an amplifier and its bandwidth. Its abbreviation is GBP  
  • The gain–bandwidth product (designated as GBWP, GBW, GBP or GB) for an amplifier is the product of the amplifier's bandwidth and the gain at which the bandwidth is measured

For transistors, the current‐gain–bandwidth product is known as the fT or transition frequency.It is calculated from the low‐frequency (a few kilohertz) current gain under specified test conditions, and the cutoff frequency at which the current gain drops by 3 decibels (70% amplitude); the product of these two values can be thought of as the frequency at which the current gain would drop to 1, and the transistor current gain between the cutoff and transition frequency can be estimated by dividing fT by the frequency. Usually, transistors must be applied at frequencies well below fT to be useful as amplifiers and oscillators.[5] In a bipolar junction transistor, frequency response declines owing to the internal capacitance of the junctions. The transition frequency varies with collector current, reaching a maximum for some value and declining for greater or lesser collector current

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Theory - 35 :- Thermal runaway. Static and Dynamic characteristics.

 In a transistor since there are two PN junctions there are three voltage parameters VBE , VBC,  VCE,  three current parameters IB, IE, IC   shown in Fig 2.

Any change in any one parameter causes changes in all the other parameters. Hence it is not very easy to correlate the effect of one parameter  with the others. To have a clear understanding of their relationship a minimum of two characteristics graphs should be plotted for any transistor. They are,

  • lnput characteristics
  • Output characteristics

lnput characteristics                

For simplicity in emitter amplifier. shown in fig. understanding, consider a common emitter amplifier Circuit The two characteristics graphs are

  • The output voltage VCE is maintained constant and the input voltage VBE is set at severalv convenient levels .For each level of input voltage, the input current IB is recorded.  
  • IB is then plotted versus VBE to give the common‐emitter   input characteristics..vThe graph shows the relationship between the input voltage VBE and input current IB  for different values

Output characteristics  

  • The Base current IB is held constant at each of several fixed levels. For each fixed value ofv IB ,  the output voltage VCE is adjusted in convenient steps and the corresponding levels of collector current IC are recorded.
  • For each fixed value of IB,   IC level is Recorded at each VCE  step.For each IB  level, IC isv plotted versus VCE to give a family of characteristics.

Behavior of IC   for different values of VCE is explained 

When VcE is 0, the collector‐base diode is not reverse biased. Therefore, the collector current is negligibly small For V,, between 0.7V and 1 V, the collector diode gets reverse‐biased. 

Once reverse biased, the collector gathers all the electrons that reach its depletion layer. Hence the collector current rises sharply and then becomes almost constant

Above the knee voltage and below the break down voltage, the collector current does not rise steeply or the current is almost constant even if the value of VCE is increased. Thus the transistor works like a controlled constant current source in this region.

Thermal Runaway and the use of Heat sink in BJT                  

The maximum average power in which a transistor can dissipate depends upon the construction of transistor and lie in the range of few milliwatts and 200W. The maximum power is limited by the temperature that the collector Base junction can withstand. The maximum power dissipation is usually specified for the transistor enclosure is 25 degree Celsius. The junction temperature may increase either because of rise in ambient temperature or because of self heating. The problem of self heating arises due to dissipation of power at the collector junction.  

The leakage current Icbo is extremely temperature dependent and increases with the rise in temperature of collector‐base junction. With the increase in collector current Ic, collector power dissipation increases which raises the junction temperature that leads to further increase in collector current Ic. The process is cumulative and may lead to the eventual destruction of transistor. This phenomenon is known as THERMAL RUNAWAY of transistor. In practice the Thermal Runaway can be prevented by a well‐designed circuit called as STABILIZATION Circuitry.

When the power   dissipation at the collector‐base junction of a transistor is small, as in case of a small signal transistor, the surface area of the transistor  case is normally large enough to allow all of the heat to escape. But for the large power dissipation that can occur in high power transistor the transistor surface area is not enough and junction temperature may rise to a dangerous level. However, power handling capacity of a transistor can be increased by making suitable provision for rapid conduction of heat away from the transistor junction. This is achieved by selecting a sheet of metal called the HEAT SINK which increases the area of contact

Heat sink for transistors

The temperature sensitivity of transistors is its great disadvantage. If the temperature of the transistor Increases, the transistor no more behaves in the normal way. Hence heat‐sinks are provided for medium power and high power transistors to avoid the transistor's case temperature rising high. The job of a heat sink is to radiate the excessive heat of transistor case into air thereby holding the case temperature at ambient (room temperature).

 Fig   A few popular types of heat‐sink for transistors are shown